Wednesday, April 29, 2009

If You're Wondering About The Extra Traffic On Montauk

update at bottom

via: Empire State News

MASTIC – A project to enhance traffic flow, reduce gridlock and improve safety along a nearly two-mile stretch of Montauk Highway in Shirley and Mastic has begun.

Work will start with the relocation of utilities, in preparation for the project that will ultimately provide two lanes of traffic in each direction, with a center turning lane, from William Floyd to just east of the Southport Shopping Center; provide a continuous center turning lane throughout the 1.7 miles covered by the project; continuous sidewalks on both sides of the roadway, to enhance safety and to allow for pedestrian flow through the business districts of each community; reconfigure lights and lanes to prevent left-hand turns off Montauk Highway onto William Floyd Parkway.

The $22 million, 18-month project is eighty percent federally funded.


So I emailed Joshua Slaughter, Kate Brownings Legislative Aide and he told me that all the current left-hand turns are being eliminated and rerouted on both eastbound and westbound traffic on Montauk highway. For those that are on Montauk heading west and you want to go into WF Parkway you'll make a left at Alletta Pl (where Burger King is), turn right on Mastic Blvd and there will be a light there (at the corner where Dunkin Donuts is) directing traffic for those heading south onto WF floyd.

For those on Montauk highway heading east and wanting to go north on WF parkway, you'll make a left at Camp Upton Rd (there's already a light there directing traffic for those going into and out of PathMark), go behind the Best Yet market and there will be a light there where you could make a left unto William Floyd and head north.

Yeah, doesn't make sense to me either.


Disastronaut said...

it's about time they did something about that mess

Editor said...

I just reread this and scratched my head at "...reconfigure lights and lanes to prevent left-hand turns off Montauk Highway onto William Floyd Parkway."

How the hell are people on Montauk heading west going to turn into WFP?!?

bt said...

Or, how are people heading east going to get to Sunrise? Make the left by the bike store and go through the back streets?

lolol said...

are u serious... as it is that area is a pain in the ass to get around.. I live by surrey circle.. so to go and grab a quick bite at taco bell and come back home is huge pain in the ass already.. i have to either cut traffic off by four lanes to then take wm. floyd to mtk hwy and then pull into the pathmark shopping center and THEN take that back street all the way back to flyd. or take the back road to mntlk hwy from taco bell to cross over to floyd.. AND NOW THEY WANT TO ELIMINATE THAT TURN!! ARE THEY NUTS ?? DO THEY NOT LIVE IN THE AREA?? I really hope that was an error in the print.. can some one check that???

Editor said...

I've emailed Empire State News to see if that was a typo.

Anonymous said...

You should be walking to get Taco Bell if you live right by Surrey Circle. Why waste the gas to go through that maze. Especially scarfing down fast food, you'll need the exercise.

SUE S said...

well here's one for you all
as you through that coridore turn to your left were titmus dr meets montauk and just the west side of titmus is a cematary!!!!!
can't see any tombstones wwweeeeeeeellllllllllllll the town decided in the 30"s to PAVE OVER THE GRAVES!!!!!!!!!!!!
YEP THEY removed the stones in the 30"s.
the remaining heir sold the property and as the older residents of this wonderful town remember some time in the 80's they broke through the woods at the end of titmus WHERE THE CEMETARY WAS AND CARRIED TITMUS RIGHT OVER THOSE DEAD BODIES!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't really understand how noone realizes that the real issue in the area is a lack of railroad crossings. If there were an additional crossing at hawthorne or madison the traffic would move much faster. Another exit on/off sunrise at barnes rd wouldnt hurt either. The combination of those two problems is making that area a nightmare.

John said...

Wow. That really makes no sense to me either. I always came North on WFP and made the right on Mastic Blvd and went all the way to the end and made a left and came out on Montauk Hwy by the muffler shop. Looks like my little shortcut won't be so short anymore after this.

John said...

Another comment about the RR traffic.

If you're stuck for a train heading south on WFP, once the gates are raised you can see the light at Surrey Circle is green, but maybe 5 seconds after the gates are raised the light turns red causing the momentum of all the cars stuck for the train to stop again.

It would be better if they just re-configured the lights to remain green north and south for at least a whole minute (maybe 2) after the gates raise to allow traffic to clear.

Anonymous said...

The more confusion the fewer people will come to my beach. Love it and let's keep it this way! Keep f'ing it up and keep running the lurid stories about Mastic Beach in the press.

Anonymous said...

The more confusion the fewer people will come to my beach. Love it and let's keep it this way! Keep f'ing it up and keep running the lurid stories about Mastic Beach in the press.

May 1, 2009 5:25 PM

Good point!!