Thursday, March 5, 2009

A Letter From Robert Vecchio

I received this from Robert Vecchio. I'm not a community leader -- believe it or not it doesn't impress the ladies -- but I'm passing this along nonetheless. Please share this with everyone you know!

Dear Community Leaders:

I am informing you about a proposed new tax that the State Legislature is considering as part of the bailout plan for the MTA.

The MTA has a current deficit of approximately $1.2 billion. The proposed "mobility tax" or payroll tax, would place a new tax on school districts, all business, and possibly other municipalities. The tax is .33 cents for every $100 dollars of payroll.

For the William Floyd School district, this would mean a new State mandated expense for our taxpayers of approximately $300,000 annually. For school districts on Long Island this would amount to almost $25 million per year. In addition to the increased burden on local taxpayers, our business community would have to bear the expense of increased school taxes and additional expenses for their operations for the new tax on their payrolls.

The school district will also see an increase in operating costs, with increased prices for goods and services being charged by a business that lies within the MTA servicing area (all of Long Island, NYC, Westchester, parts of upstate New York etc).

The Board of Education is urging all of our residents to contact their State Elected officials immediately and tell them to oppose the MTA mobility tax.

This proposal currently has the support of the Governor and the Speaker of the Assembly, for William Floyd School District our State officials are as follows:

Governor David Paterson

Senator Ken LaValle (does not support. see comments below.)

Senator Brian Foley

Assemblyman Fred Thiele

Assemblywoman Patricia Eddington

Assemblyman Marc Alessi

In addition share this information with every business owner and resident that you know that lives in and outside of our community as this will impact everyone on Long Island and the entire MTA servicing area.

Any questions please let me know.

Robert J. Vecchio
William Floyd School Board


Editor said...

Some have emailed to tell me Mr. Vecchio's email link isn't working. I've fixed that. If it still isn't working you have to refresh your page or clear your cache and it should show up. If you don't know how to do that call Geek Squad ... or something.

lavalle said...

1st Senate District 325 Middle Country Road
Selden, NY 11784 (631)696-6900

DATE: February 18, 2009


LI School Districts Face Over $24 Million Hit

State Senator Kenneth P. LaValle voiced strong opposition to the Metropolitan Transportation Authority's (MTA) proposed "Mobility Tax." Under the proposal, the MTA seeks to impose a payroll tax on all Long Island employers as a means to help relieve its financial troubles. This would result in an approximate $24.4 million dollar unfunded mandate on Long Island's school districts.

According to Senator LaValle, the MTA's proposed payroll tax would require all employers on Long Island to pay an income tax equal to one-third of one percent tax on all wages, whether their employees use mass transit or not. This includes school districts, not-for-profit agencies, and those who are self-employed.

If implemented, the plan would impose a payroll tax of about $11.6 million on Nassau County school districts and approximately $12.8 million on Suffolk County school districts. When combined, that adds up to an estimated $24.4 million unfunded mandate that Long Island taxpayers would be forced to pay.

"The current economic downturn has everyone tightening their belts to make ends meet," said Senator LaValle. "It is unconscionable for the MTA to propose saddling businesses and school districts with a tax increase so that they can manage their finances.

"This would be a costly blow to local school districts, in particular. They are already facing deep education aid cuts proposed in Governor Paterson's budget," continued Senator LaValle. "School districts would most likely pass the tax onto already overburdened families and small businesses, which could lead to further layoffs and force more businesses to close their doors.

"If the MTA imposes a multi-million dollar payroll tax, it will only make our economic situation worse and do nothing to help create jobs or provide relief to local families. The last thing we need is a tax increase that could lead to further layoffs and force more businesses to close their doors. The MTA should find ways to reduce expenses and increase accountability before considering a new tax. The recent scandal in which LIRR employees received improper retirement-disability payments provides evidence that the MTA needs to closely examine its budget," concluded Senator LaValle.


Anonymous said...

Governor Paterson's handicap is not blindness, but stupidity. He is apparently unable to comprehend that we are in a recession, unemployment is at an all time high and people are losing their homes. Governor Paterson needs to realize that Long Island is not his personal bank account, everytime he needs money for anything he seems to look here first. We are no longer able to support the state of New York whenever they need money.

Editor said...

There's been talk since the 1800's of LI seceding from the state. It's unconstitutional though (Article IV Section III). But I don't know. We put in over $8.1B into the states economy and get less than $5B back. Time to amend some constitutional articles, I say.