Saturday, February 14, 2009

Take Two

The SPBPOA (Smith Point Beach Property Owners Association) -- no, wait, they've included the Woodland Estates so now it's the SPBPOWEA or the SPBWEPOA or some other moronic name -- seems to realize that they've been called out on their "shenanigans and malarkey" (thank you Joe Biden for bringing 1950 back for those of us that weren't there) and have properly announced their next meeting at the not-in-Shirley Mastic Fire House. They took the money that they didn't spend on a mailer -- but said they did -- and placed an announcement in the Delia McKernan Press -- AKA, Press of Manorville & The Moriches.

I like the little apology. Blame the "postal irregularities" on the USPS and harass the Cliff Clavins in the post office to deflect the shadyness.

Another group is forming to do this incorporation "the right way". This group is being formed by volunteers who actually LIVE in Smith Point -- imagine that -- and they're looking for more volunteers to help out and get everything started. Among one of their objectives, which I think is very important, is the opposition of the 450 unit apartment complex being proposed to replace the Links Golf Course.

Check them out at Smith Point News and email them if you're interested in helping out.

The Mastics-Shirley area suffers from one thing: apathy. If no one cares about what goes on, nothing will change. Things will stay the same. And, sorry, complaining without action isn't taking the initiative.


Anonymous said...

There is a very important meeting regarding the Links at Shirley at Brookhaven Town hall on Tuesday 2/17/09 at 7:30pm. It is a public scoping meeting which is run and conducted by the developer as required by SEQURA. This is the first opportunity for the community to come out and state for the record their opinion on this project. The public scoping is designed to get community input on the various impacts this development will have in the community, whether it be traffic, enviromental, or quality of life impacts etc. The developer will make sure thier supporters are there, we should make sure we have a strong community showing stating for the record how we feel about this project. The politicians are already lining up for their piece of the pie from the developer both on the County level and Town level.

So again 2/17/09 7:30pm Brookhaven Town Hall- show up and get on record of your position on this development.