Thursday, December 10, 2009

View From Our Backyard

Smith Point.
This is just depressing seeing this. There's at least some 5 ft. of sand that's been wiped out. Congressman Tim Bishop wants Patterson to declare the south shore a disaster area. Even so, nothing will be done until NEXT FALL because of the piping plovers inhabiting the area. (click on pics to view larger size)

(h/t: SPVEC)


Kenny said...

Depressing indeed. I noticed this about 3 weeks ago right after Northeaster Ida hit. Great waves but this storm was so slow moving it stalled off the coast causing too much erosion. Usually after a long winter the beach replenishes itself from east to west. And usually Northeasters don't hit hard till late Jan/Feb. Without declaring a state of emergency the Army Corp Of Engineers won't be back until next year. Too late.