Monday, February 16, 2009

Lee Zeldin To Chair SPVEC

Over at Smith Point News they've announced that Lee Zeldin will be Chairman of the Smith Point Village Exploratory Committee.

Zeldin, not to be confused with Zelda, was the Republican candidate for the 2008 election, opposing Tim Bishop, for the 1st Congressional District in the US House of Representatives. He lost but received a respectable 42% of the vote in an environment not too friendly for the Republican party.

His high profile and name recognition should go a long way to show the residents of Shirley/Smith Point that the still-forming VEC is serious about turning the area into an incorporated village; and that they're tired of the pettiness going on with the current civic group headed by Almighty High Chancellor Priestess Delia McKernan and her acolytes which together form the Ministry of Darkness.

Bob Vecchio (President of the William Floyd School Board) and Mark Smothergill (President of the Chamber of Commerce of Mastics & Shirley) will also be part of the committee for incorporation.

They're asking anyone who is interested in being on the board or part of the committee to please email them so that they can keep you in the loop and make sure that you're at all meetings.


Anonymous said...

White trash. Wonderful.

Editor said...

I resemble neither so I take no offense.

Anonymous said...

I wish Zeldin would just go away already.

Editor said...

What is it that people don't like about Zeldin? I have no opinion either way.

Anonymous said...

I would like to know why there is opposition to this man also. Could someone claify?

Anonymous said...

I like Lee Zeldin. He graduated from William Floyd and actually lives down here. I had the opportunity to meet him and his wife a couple of months ago and they seem like really nice people. Nice to see someone who lives here getting involved in the community and doing something to make it better for all of us.